After a scan around a few sites the decision was made to buy Gerbing. The range had some good write ups, but mainly because Motoport Ltd. (gerbing.co.uk) was offering 10% discount when you signed up for their newsletter.
The first item ordered was the XLR Gloves. These are longer than the XR so you can slip a battery in the cuff if required, were as the XR does not have the battery pouch. Also on this first order was the Premium jacket with Digital Controller and heated socks. A week after placing the order and no sign of it, I phoned Motoport to chase the order, the delay was the controller and socks were held up at customs in Rotterdam. The did then agree to send me the other items. The Jacket Liner was a little too snug, (obviously lockdown lard!), but they had no hesitation sending out the next size up, which was a perfect fit. I certainly can’t complain about the service received from Motoport. Then after receiving a marketing email with 15% off my next order I decided to buy the heated trousers also, they arrived the next day.
I had to wait a couple of weeks for the Digital Controller and Heated Socks to clear customs, the way of the world at present.
XLR Gloves
Overall 5/5
Warmth 5/5
Comfort 5/5
Jacket Liner
Overall 5/5
Warmth 5/5
Comfort 5/5
Heated Trousers
Overall 5/5
Warmth 5/5
Comfort 5/5
Heated Socks
Overall 2/5
Warmth 1/5
Comfort 3/5
Gerbing XLR Gloves
If you are one to get excited about the quality of leather, then these are the gloves to buy. They are not cheap at nearly £190.00, but they are really well made, and feel superb.
Each glove has its own temperature control with 3 settings, at the time of writing it’s not really been cold enough to go above the lowest setting. They are a bit fiddly to attach the leads at first, but after a couple of times you find the knack.
Gerbing Premium Heated Jacket Liner
A really comfortable jacket, the styling is also quite good. Without the controller it was way too warm, you need to be able regulate the input so a controller is essential.
Gerbing Heated Trousers
These were the same as the Jacket without the controller they are way too warm, though again really comfortable.
Gerbing Heated Socks
First pair received were a bit dodgy, details of the dodgy pair here.
Gerbing Digital Controller
The Digital Controller has 5 settings, a warning states that the controller is limited to the first three settings as any higher would be too warm except in really cold temperatures. You can switch the last two settings on, but once switched on they are permanently available and cannot be switched off again.
Another thing to point about the controller is, the electronic switching has a relative slow switching rate. The amount of heat is controlled by switching the output on and off, the higher the setting the more on to off. This results in a pulsing of full load to the heating elements. Depending on the output of your alternator and smoothing out by the battery it can result in a visible variation of your lights output.