Kawasaki Versys 1000 GT

The latest touring bike. The Himalayan and Interceptor are great for what they are, but for a bike that eats up the touring miles, the Kawasaki Versys 1000 GT is our latest choice.

Royal Enfield Himalayan
New in 2020. The advert states ‘Built for all roads, built for no roads’. It is an easy ride, and not too heavy to pick up out of the mud. It is not fast, but it is fun to ride.
This bike is up for sale, read the story here. Himalayan for sale
I bought this to replace the Honda, as the Honda was getting a bit heavy as my mileage went up, but then I couldn’t part with the Honda. The Himalayan does not have the power and speed of the Honda but it is great fun to ride, even loaded up with a load of kit. It handles the roads well and is fun to ride on the green lanes.

Royal Enfield Interceptor (Official Colour ‘Downtown drag’, unofficial ‘Mint Chocolate Chip’.
This replaces the Pan European, much lighter and easier to move around. It hasn’t got anything like the power or comfort of the pan, but it’s great to ride. It’s like the bikes of the sixties without the oil leaks.
The Interceptor is now SOLD.

The latest addition, Kawasaki Vulcan S Cafe. Following a total knee replacement I could not bend my knee far enough to get on any of the bikes. Thinking I could possibly loose a seasons riding in a panic I decided to buy a bike that I could get on, this was it. Though it was 4 years old at the time of purchase it had only done 426 miles and though a bit dusty it was in excellent condition. With forward controls it was very different to ride at first, but comfortable. Having got used to the riding position fairly quickly, it is now fun to ride, though I would not tour on it. The crazy thing is three weeks after buying it I could just about manage to get on the Versys.